Exams. It was my first semester back at university since having my daughter, and my fears that studying time would be tight were being manifested in my minimal-sleep-part-hallucination-part-reality existence. Yet, through the lack of sleep, the mother in me was fully re-charged, thinking of new ways to study while taking care of the little one.
While looking for some baby shampoo in the cupboard, I passed by some
Crayola Bathtub Crayons I had picked up at the store awhile back, thinking when I was bored I would create a Mona Lisa on my shower walls. This of course never happened. However, I decided, this might be my ticket to studying. I wrote out all my notes on the mirrors above the sink and the tiles around the shower, repeating sections I did not remember well. So, after laying down the little one for bed, I could take a shower and give myself a 5 minute quiz.
Green Points:
- didn't waste paper
- made me want to take an even shorter shower
Studying Points:
- as most of my best thinking occurs in the shower, so did my best studying
- a nice cold shower really wakes you up for an all-nighter study session