Since I was going to school and working when I trying to make my own baby food, I found some short cuts to making it fast and keeping it manageable.
- When short on times, use foods that are low in pesticides (kiwis, avocados, bananas, and mangos), especially if you cannot afford organic (although many times organic avocados ect. cost the same)- you can throw all of them in the blender without steaming them.
- Go to the farmer's market to buy other fruits and vegetables. It's a fun trip that will tucker out the little one with all the excitement, and you'll be supporting the local farmers!
- Steam veggies and fruit in microwave with some eco-friendly plastic wrap (like Natural Value, roughly $4 but it lasts a long time) and a bowl. It will save you at least 30 minutes this way.
- Use an ice cube tray to store the food.
My favorite recipes: Avocado and Banana; Sweet Potato and Apple; Mango, Kiwi, and Banana
Green Points:
Green Points:
- Less waste from containers.
- Buy organic produce without pesticides and other chemicals.
- Can support local farmers.
Mommy Points:
- Cheaper than buying pre-made baby food if you know when and where to buy produce (super market has more expensive produce like mangos and avocado's periodically on sale).
- You know how much actual food is in the mixture rather than guessing from the watery mixture of pre-made baby food.
Wow, Chrissy! That's great to know! When I have a child I will have to remember this to save money and be eco-friendly. Good for you! I bet making your own baby food tastes better anyways.